Digital Marketing Course | Social Media Marketing Course | Advanced SEO Course | Basic SEO Course | Corporate Training Courses

Digital Marketing Course

Digital Marketing Course ( Rs. 24,999/-)

1. Digital Marketing Overview - 3 Hours

2. Website planning & Creation - 12 Hours

3. Email Marketing - 4 Hours

4. Lead Generation - 3 Hours

5. Google AdWords - 12 Hours

6. Google Analytics - 6 Hours

7. Facebook Marketing - 12 Hours

8. LinkedIn Marketing - 3 Hours

9. Twitter Marketing - 6 Hours

10. Video or Youtube Marketing - 3 Hours

11. Instagram marketing - 2 Hours

12. Pinterest Marketing - 2 Hours

13. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) - 15 Hours

14. Online Display Advertising - 3 Hours

15. Ecommerce Marketing- 6 Hours

16. Mobile Web Marketing - 3 Hours

17. Content Marketing - 3 Hours

18. Online Reputation Management - 3 Hours

19. Affiliate Marketing Basics - 3 Hours

20. Adsense & Blogging - 3 Hours

21. How To Grab Freelancing Projects? - 1 Hour

22. FREE Google Adwords Certification ( T & C)

SEM (Google Adwords) – Fundamentals & Case Studies

• Consumer Journey

• What is SEM? Why SEM?

• What is Google AdWords? Why Google AdWords?

• Google Network

• AdWords Terminologies

• How Does the SEM Auction Work?

• Structure of an AdWords Account

• Campaign Types – Introduction to Search, Display (including Videos),

• Shopping and Mobile-specific campaign types, and when/why to use them.

• Creation of Search Network Campaign

• Ad

• Ad Formats

• Ad Text Policies

• Ad Text Best Practices


• Ad Extensions

• Keyword Research

• Tools – Keyword Planner & Estimator

• Keyword Match types

• Keyword Strategies

• Landing Page

• Bidding and Budget

• Optimizing the Search Network Campaign using the Keyword Planner, Match types, Ad Text best practices, etc

Creation of Google Display Network

• GDN Targeting Options

• Display Ad Formats

• Ad Gallery Tool

• Conversion Tracking

• GDN Campaign Creation – Demo

• Remarketing

• Advanced Display: RLSA, Dynamic Remarketing, YouTube Remarketing

• Advanced Display: Smart Display Campaigns

Mobile Ad Campaigns

• Universal App Campaigns

• Mobile-Specific Bidding and Targeting Strategies

• Measuring Mobile Ad Performance and Conversions Report Editor

• Optimization Strategies

• Account Audit Demo

Shopping Campaigns – Introduction

• What are Google Shopping Ads /Product Listing Ads?

• Where do they appear on Google? What Shoppers on the internet do?

• What retailers need? – New Advertising technologies

• Google Shopping set retailers up for success

• Features of Google Shopping Why PLA’s? And the path to creating PLA Ads

• Merchant Centre Steps

• Create Shopping Campaign on Google AdWords

• Track Performance and Optimize the Campaigns

YouTube Marketing – Introduction & Ad Formats

• YouTube Ad Formats

• YouTube Campaign Creation

• YouTube Analytics

• Video Campaign Optimization Tips

Social Media Marketing

Facebook Marketing

Creating Content for Facebook & Social Media

• Why Content is the foundation of SMM

• Psychology of Social Sharing

• Building Content That is Inherently Shareable

Tools for Content Creation

Facebook Marketing

What is Facebook Marketing

• Facebook Page Best Practices

• KPIs to measure success

• Facebook Insights

• Facebook Business Manager

How does Facebook Advertising Work?

• Facebook Ad Campaign Objectives

• Facebook Ad Targeting

Instagram & LinkedIn Marketing

Marketing on Instagram

• Optimizing your instagram business profile

• Crafting an Instagram content strategy

• Best Practices

• Influencer Marketing on Instagram

• Analytics & Measurement

• Instagram Ads

LinkedIn as a Marketing Platform

• LinkedIn for Personal Branding

• Brand Marketing on LInkedIn

• LinkedIn Company Pages

• LinkedIn Advanced Search

• LinkedIn Premium

• LinkedIn Ads

Twitter and Snapchat Marketing

Twitter Marketing

• Twitter Marketing for Brand Awareness

• Twitter Ads

• Twitter Analytics

• Twitter Tools – Crowdfire, Tweriod, Hashtagify, Ritetag, TweetReach & TweetArchivist

Pinterest Marketing & Creating a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy

Pinterest Marketing

• Pinterest for business

• Marketing on Pinterest

• Best Practices

• Leveraging Rich Pins

• Analytics & Measurement

Social Media Marketing Tools

• Hootsuite

• Buffer

• TweetDeck

• Sprout Social

Crafting a Successful Social Media Strategy

• 10-step framework to crafting a successful Social Media strategy

• Building Content That is Inherently Shareable

• Creating Content for multiple platforms

• Generating content ideas and building a plan

• Effective Content Distribution

• Evaluating Success

Customer Acquisition Strategies

• Rented List Emails

• Co-branded Emails

• Third Party Email Newsletters

• Viral Emails

• Event Triggered Emails

• House E-newsletters

Effective Creative Introducing

• CRABS- Does your Emails have Crabs?

• Email Template Model

• Best Practices

• NLP Demonstrations (Neuro LinguisticProgramming) to Understand Customers Better

Nurturing & Automation

• Tools to Enhance Lead Nurturing

• Enhance Better Reach

• Analyze Behavior Patterns

• Analytics

• Automation and More

Advanced SEO Course (19,999/-)

How do Search Engines work?

• Indexing & Crawling Basics

• Optimising Crawl Budget

• Intro to SEO

Organic Search vs. Paid Search Results

• Anatomy of a Search Result (Search Snippet)

• What is On-page SEO (Content, Architecture, HTML)?

• What is Off-page SEO/Link Building (Social, Content-based, PR)?

Keyword Research

• Finding Seed Keywords: Mind Map for Keyword Research

• Using Wikipedia, Forums for Keyword Research

• Keyword Research Process – Identify Seed Keywords, Collect Metrics, Map Keywords

• Google Keyword Planner Tool

On-page SEO

HTML Basics

• Web Page Basics: What is HTML, JavaScript,CSS

• Basic HTML Tags to create a web page

• HTML Tags for SEO: Title, H1, META Tags, IMG,

On-page SEO Elements

• Crawling: XML, HTML Sitemaps, Robots.txt

• Content Clusters (Creating SEO-based content)

• Negative on-page to avoid

Technical SEO

• URL Architecture

• Page Speed Analysis (GTMetrix / YSlow / Google Page Speed Insights)

• 301 Redirects

Mobile SEO

• App Store Optimisation

• Mobile Websites: Responsive, Adaptive, Dynamic

• Optimising for Voice Search

Schema Markup

• What is Schema & Why is it relevant to SEO.

• Schema Types – Micro, JSON-LD

• Common JSON Schema Tags – Organisation, Website, Blog Posting LocalBusiness

• How Schema shows up in SERPs

Off-page SEO

Link Building

• What is Link Building

• Link Building Tactics

• Manual Link Building Process

• Link Building Metrics

Social SEO

• Quora

• YouTube Video SEO

• Slideshare, Scribd and other Social Channels for SEO

Local SEO

• What is Local SEO, Pigeon Update

• Google My Business, Bing Places

• Local Pages on your website

• Local Listings/Citations

Backlink Audits using

• Backlink audit of one website

• How to audit backlinks of competitors and gain insights?

SEO Audit, Tools, Measurement

SEO Audits

• What are SEO Audits?

• Different Types of SEO Audits

• Complete SEO Audit with Checklist – Screaming Frog SEO Spider, SEMRush Backlink Audit, Page

• Speed Audit with GTMetrix / Google Page Speed Insights, Mobile Site Audit

• Google Search Console

Algorithm Updates

• History of Google Algorithms

• Panda, Penguin, Pigeon, Caffeine updates

• RankBrain and the Future of SEO

Measurement with Google Analytics

• Basics of Google Analytics

• SEO Metrics to Measure – On-page, Off-page, Technical

• SEO Reporting

SEO Resources, Careers in SEO

• Top Blogs to follow for SEO

• Free Learning Resources – Moz, Google Analytics

• A career in SEO

Basic SEO (Rs. 14,999/-)

Corporate Training Courses ( Rs. 29,999/-)
